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Wednesday nights right now are the only night that we have with nothing going on. No kids to drive around and no commitments! Check out our calendar...

I have had to color code every person in our family. For example, I am pink (of course), Superman is blue, My pumpkin is green, and Noodle is purple. Then family/church stuff is in orange, Birthdays are in aqua, and immediate things to do is red.

Seriously? It's super chaotic! Some weeks I don't know how we will accomplish everything and others run smoothly. The usual hiccups come when something extra enters the scene. For example, a meeting at school for one of the girls, or kids that want to decorate a couch (more on that Sunday), or, well, anything that isn't a already known about!

Wednesday's are 2-3 cups of coffee days. (Mostly because I LOVE coffee an unhealthy amount.) While say, our busiest day, Thursday, is more like 5 or so cups of coffee. I am doing my best to balance my coffee with water but Thursday's sometimes known as bathroom days (wink face)

The problem with Wednesdays? Because I don't have anyplace to be.....I often deem them PJ days. I can work in my Jammie's, I make phone calls, update web pages, and plan out the next steps to take for work and family. It's an all around planning and busy work kinda day, usually from my sofa. So....that's all fine and well, but lets say someone rings the doorbell or wants me to meet them out someplace; yep that's the problem with Wednesdays. I wake up knowing there is no plan to leave the house and therefore throw on some sweats and a t-shirt or clean Jammie's. I often just wash my face, brush my teeth, and throw my hair in a pony tail. Not, really my best look and I have come to realize that I need some cuter Jammie's. But, I have worked out the sweat pant vs. the husband battle. I don't think any hubby would love to see his wife in sweats on a daily basis so I have some hubby approved lounge pants that work for us both. Success!

All this to say.....Wednesday is my favorite day of the week.


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