I am so excited that we finally picked up a new laptop for me today. My Dell died a sad death last week! While I was super sad, I love being able to know that this one will be working next time I turn it on:) I will be posting pictures later of my journey......

This is a picture of my old, scratch that, VERY OLD, Dell computer. While in the middle of listing a Princess TV and DVD player for sale on E-bay, it decided it was done. Just like that, silent, black screen.....gone!
And no I am not one of those responsible people who backs up her work, I am hoping that my brother Curt can pull the hard drive and get the info and pictures for me so that I can put them on my new shiny Sony Vaio laptop.

Everything so far is wonderful, but (of course there is a but, it's a computer) I cannot figure out how to configure my outlook to my works exchange server. That could be because I am a computer non-genius, or that my office is running Office 2003 and I am on Office 2007 but in my world that shouldn't make a difference.:)
Anyway, I am so excited to finally have a new laptop and that I am off the "will my computer work today" roller coaster. And yes, that is a pink keyboard protector.